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Keeping NBA Betting Records

Written by Pavel Kateliev
Pavel Kateliev is a popular sport journalist, particularly in the fields of football, basketball, tennis, and hockey. He writes daily for Sportingpedia and his work has been translated into at least 20 languages and featured on renowned outlets such as BBC, Yahoo, MCN, Sun, and Evening News, in Italian, English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
, | Updated: September 12, 2024

Keeping NBA Betting RecordsBy its nature, wagering on sports is a risk-ridden undertaking which is one of the main reasons why it is such a well-liked pastime. What further adds to the appeal of this source of entertainment is that punters who manage to take it up sensibly will stand a good chance to get a windfall. Although this is the goal many gambling enthusiasts have set, some of them tend to overlook the significance of betting records.

In essence, when it comes to all forms of gambling, including wagering on the National Basketball League, punters should make sure that they will remain in the know about the amount of money they have managed to win or lose. No matter whether you are a recreational basketball gambler or you are a sharp punter, you should endeavor to keep up with your betting activity so as to ensure that at the end, you will not be down-and-out. In order to make sure that it will not come to that, you should invariably keep abreast of your results.

Why Keeping NBA Betting Records is Vital

Why Keeping NBA Betting Records is VitalYou might be surprised to find out that a large number of the punters cannot rightly say how much money they have won or lost during their sports betting session. In fact, many gambling aficionados are not aware whether they have managed to get a profit at all or they are at a loss. As it turns out, this is one of the best ways to find out whether gamblers take wagering on the National Basketball League seriously or not.

When it comes to basketball betting, many gamblers mistakenly believe that they should keep betting records only if the goal they have set is to earn some serious cash. In essence, it is just the other way around as both recreational basketball bettors, as well as old hands at NBA betting should make sure that they have proper knowledge about the money they have lost, as well as the winnings they have managed to accrue. As long as you fail to do so, you can be sure that ultimately, the consequences to your bankroll will be grave. If you are still unsure why you should keep records during your sports betting session, you should know that this is the only way in which you can keep a close watch on your stakes so that you could better your overall performance.

If you are just getting started with your NBA betting session and you want to turn it into a profit-making venture, the best thing you can do is to treat it like a business. It goes without saying that the only way to find out whether your business is successful is to check your losses and your winnings so as to puzzle out whether you have made a profit at all.

In the event that you are a total greenhorn at sports betting and you do not havе the haziest idea what keeping betting records involve, you should remember that in the first place you should track the stakes you make. In this way, basketball lovers will be up to enjoy a bountiful betting session, and at the same time, they will be able to prolong the lifespan of their gambling adventure.

Of course, only having this data is not sufficient to enjoy better results as basketball devotees should go out of their way so as to analyze it properly. It is important to note that this is the only way to figure out whether you have successfully fought tooth and nail, or you have missed the mark. Thanks to the clues which will help you puzzle this out, you will be more likely to get it right about the decisions you make in the future. Otherwise speaking, basketball fans should endeavor to spot and to deal with the leaks. Of course, this does not mean that they should overlook the things they are doing well.

One of the most essential things punters should remember is that if they wish to show good performance during their sports betting session, they will need to do much of the donkey work. In other words, gambling enthusiasts should not be under the impression that once they have managed to gain some experience in the field, they will be able to stop building on.

What Does Keeping Betting Records Take

What Does Keeping Betting Records TakeAs it was already mentioned, one of the best things you can do in order to enrich your NBA betting session is to keep records of the stakes you make. To be more precise, gambling enthusiasts should know that there is specific information they should write down each time when they cast a stake.

If you want to make sure that you will be able to get a clear idea about your overall performance, you need to know that tracking the amount of money you have lost or won will not be enough to get an understanding of the way matters stand. That is the reason why punters should also input information which has to do with the type of bet they have made, the amount of money they have decided to put on the line, the date when the game has taken place, and the odds at which they have made their stake. Other than that, basketball lovers should pay attention to the outcome of their stake. It is essential to track the payout you have got if your wager has turned out to be a winning one. Of course, you should not omit to input your profit or loss as well.

Although tracking all this information might seem like a waste of time at this point, you should know that this is the only way in which you will be able to discern and examine trends. It goes without saying that if you do not keep a record of the types of wagers you have made or the teams you have decided to back, you will not have a vague idea of your overall performance. Needless to say, taking down the amount you have wagered and the amount you have lost is essential so as to work out whether you are up or down. If you wish to be as precise as possible, it might be a good idea to check how close you were to make a correct prediction.

Punters should be informed that the above-mentioned criteria are the bare essentials when it comes to keeping NBA betting records. Those of you who wish to become successful at NBA betting need to know that they will be required to go above and beyond so as to attain this goal. Otherwise speaking, those of you for whom NBA betting is not simply a hobby, should contemplate adding several additional elements when keeping track of their sports betting action. In the event that you wish to take your gambling adventure to the next level, it might be a good idea to specify how positive you were about the picks you have made and to state your grounds why you decided to go for this type of bet. In the event that your stake has eventually turned out to be a losing one, it might also be a good idea to point the reasons why this came about.

In order to make sure that the information you will collect will be organized properly, it might be a good idea to make use of a spreadsheet and to assign a column to each of the individual criteria we already elaborated on. In fact, the more details you input, the more accurate your inferences will be. The reason why you should consider inputting the information into a spreadsheet is that thus, it will be neatly organized which will allow you to find the data you need with a single glance.

In the event that you have a liking for other sports apart from basketball, and you are keen on wagering on other competitions apart from the National Basketball League, you should make sure that you will not use one and the same spreadsheet. The reason why you should not do so is that if you utilize one and the same spreadsheet for NBA and NFL betting, for example, you can easily get things mixed up which will pour all your efforts down the drain.

Thanks to your basketball betting records, you will also be able to get an understanding when it comes to your weaknesses and strengths as well. By this, we mean that if it has hit you that more often than not, your accumulator bets turn out to be losing ones, one of the options you have is to refrain from making such wagers. Alternatively, punters can endeavor to figure out where their weaknesses lie and to try to deal with them. In other words, it is up to you to decide whether you would like to zero in on your strengths or you will go out of your way to work through the unsuccessful predictions you have made.

How to Keep NBA Betting Records

How to Keep NBA Betting RecordsIt goes without saying that the most straightforward manner of keeping NBA betting records involves writing them down on paper. In essence, going for this option is ill-advised, but if you are not good at working with computers, this remains a viable option. Still, you should take account of the fact that you should be careful while you are making the calculations due to the fact that you will be more prone to making mistakes even if you are really good at mathematics. Other than that, a major setback remains the fact that with this manner of keeping NBA betting records, you will not have a backup. In other words, if something befalls to your records, you will not be able to restore them. And last but not least, it will be much harder for you to scrutinize the data you have collected and then, to draw the respective conclusions which remains a major drawback.

As noted above, if you wish to make sure that you will be capable of keeping NBA betting records properly, utilizing a spreadsheet is the best way to go. The reason why you should contemplate going for this option is that you will be allowed to include much more data. Best of all, basketball lovers will have the opportunity to sort it out within a split second which is definitely not the case with keeping your records on paper.

Luckily, the options NBA bettors are presented with do not come to an end due to the fact that those of you who are real devotees when it comes to sports betting might be delighted to find out that there are apps which will do all the work instead of them. On the downside, such apps might fail to track information which is important to you. That is the reason why in our view, going for a spreadsheet is the best option from the three.

Full-blown NBA Record Keeping

Full-blown NBA Record KeepingIt is safe to say that when it comes to wagering on the National Basketball League, the only way to enjoy some bountiful results is to evaluate your performance on a regular basis in order to become aware of your strengths and weaknesses. So as to get an insight into your performance, it would be best if you evaluate your progress on a monthly basis. Thus, basketball lovers will be capable of figuring out whether they are in the right direction when it comes to their picks. Other than that, NBA bettors will also be able to puzzle out whether the strategy they are utilizing can bring them the desired results.

Needless to say, so as to dissect your betting session in such great detail, you will need to dedicate more time and efforts. As you can probably guess, basketball devotees will need to track even more information in order to ensure that the conclusions they will draw will be accurate.

Apart from the information we outlined above, basketball fans who wish to keep advanced NBA betting records should not omit to point out the main reasons why they have settled on that selection. Other than that, it is advised to specify the sources of information, as well as the statistics you have made use of when making up your mind. It is also advised to specify the factors you have taken into consideration during the decision-making. And last but not least, it might also be of benefit to you if you enumerate the additional reasons why you decided to cast such a bet.

The reason why we recommend doing all this is that you will be equal to tell why you have decided in favor of such a stake with a single glance at your records. Now, let’s presume that you have decided to check the results of your total bets. Let’s suppose that you have placed plenty of such stakes and according to your records, the results you enjoy when going for under are far better in comparison with your results when wagering over. What you need to do is to endeavor to puzzle out why this comes about.

More often than not, even if you make use of one and the same source of information, you might subconsciously give more weight to specific aspects of the games which is the reason why sometimes, you may evaluate the situation mistakenly. Sometimes, the fact that you tend to give more weight to these aspects of the game might be beneficial, but you need to know that this might not always be the case.

The reason why you revel in better results when wagering on under might be that you tend to give more weight to the schedule of the teams with good reason. Therefore, your stakes on over may not produce the desired results due to the fact that you are prone to give too much weight to the home teams. It is important to note that this is just an example, meaning that this might not necessarily be the case. Our aim, however, is to tell you that you should go out of your way to make sure that your approach will be determined by the specific situation, rather than by your inside gut or your proneness to give certain factors much weight. Although it might seem like a daunting task, you should commit to your mind that this is the only way to figure out whether you are doing well or you need to work harder.

Once all is said and done, we should mention the fact that when you evaluate your performance, you should not overlook the sample size. The best way to ensure that the conclusions you will draw will be as accurate as possible is to review your results over longer periods of time so as to eliminate your proneness to overvalue information. In addition to this, NBA bettors should remain even-tempered due to the fact that sometimes, the improvement in their performance might not be brought about in the twinkling of an eye.

How to Examine Your NBA Betting Records

How to Examine Your NBA Betting RecordsSo as to turn your NBA betting session into a successful pursuit, you should not simply collect certain data volume. It is vital to master your skills to scrutinize the information you have managed to gather properly in order to be able to make the right inferences which will help you get the desired profit.

Although we already highlighted this, we will reiterate that the sample size is of utmost importance when it comes to keeping NBA betting records. Basketball bettors should commit to their mind that the sample size they will be analyzing should be adequate, meaning that you will be able to draw correct conclusions only if you cover an extended period of time during which you have placed a larger number of stakes. The overriding reason why you should endeavor to do this is that when you examine a more humble data sample, there might be short-term runs which can create an erroneous impression when it comes to the way matters stand in reality. In order to make sure that you will be able to analyze the information you have collected effectively, you should also take account of the fact that your analysis should comprise identical bet types as otherwise, your efforts will pour down the drain.

In order to turn up trumps, you should also acquaint yourself with the right way to evaluate your achievements. Many NBA bettors mistakenly consider that the record of their wins and losses can tell them whether their betting session flourishes. What gambling aficionados should pay special attention to is whether they have managed to make any money. So as to find out whether your approach produces good results, you simply need to calculate your return on investment. In order to do this, you will need to divide your net profit by the amount of money you have put on the line and then, to multiply the values you have got by 100. It is essential to remember that this is the only way in which you can get a proper idea whether you are on the right track.

Although this article revolves around NBA betting, some punters might have a liking for wagering on other competitions and sports. If this is also the case with you, we recommend examining your results by sport. Thus, you will be able to find out whether you are doing well or you are struggling.

Other than that, basketball lovers should be aware of the fact that it would be better if they examine their results by bet type. We recommend doing so simply because the various stakes that can be cast on the NBA require different expertise and skills. Other than that, if you investigate the different bet types you have made, you will be able to track down trends.

Once you have managed to spot trends, you simply need to tell the positive apart from the negative trends. Therefore, if it has hit you that when you place moneylines, most of the time, you enjoy good results, it might be a good idea to consider casting more such wagers. When it comes to the aspects of your NBA betting session in which you do not show that good results, you have two options to select from. One viable option is to refrain from making such stakes. The other option you have is to find where the leak is and to endeavor to deal with it. After all, it is up to you to decide which approach will be more beneficial to you.


ConcluisonTo sum up, keeping NBA betting records is essential, especially if you want to enhance your overall performance and to make sure that you will be able to revel in some lucrative results. As long as you track all your stakes and analyze them properly, you can be sure that the returns you will get will be much more substantial.
